
Sponsorship Do’s & Dont’s


Research the company and products before reaching out to them

Be active in the car community

Be willing to promote the company

Be respectful

Be professional

Show that you care and know about their products

Send a full proposal with rendering, show schedule and media contacts

Show them that you will over deliver

Provide recaps, feedback or anything to show you are bring a brand ambassador

Mention how you can promote their brand and be valuable to them

List events you attend

Specify logo size and placement on the car

Reference your other sponsors who will also promote you and give you a bigger reach

Include media projects that they can get value

List future plans, previous achievements

List what you want, why you need it and why you want to work with their brand

Be specific in the type of sponsorship you are seeking

What you are “offering” back should always outweigh what you are asking for

Check proposal for accuracy, spelling and grammar

Provide references

Keep a positive attitude


Try to force a sponsorship

Expect freebies without anything in return

Think you are better than your sponsor

Ask for free product

Use the word “sponsorship” like it means “free stuff”

E-mail or call without providing a proposal

Lie in your proposal

Sell or remove products before your agreement is fulfilled

Be arrogant

Be closed minded

Be ungrateful

Say anything negative about other people and companies – the industry is really small

Put false information or unrealistic goals

Ask through social media

Assume companies have to sponsor you

Use the phrase “Can you sponsor me?”

Send multiple e-mails if you don’t get a response